The simplest secret to longevity. Secrets of longevity: rejuvenation of the body with water Why is water at this temperature useful?

This secret was described by Avicenna in his recipes for longevity. He considered “drying of the body” to be one of the most significant factors of aging.

Modern science agrees with this - with age, the amount of water in the body decreases. This leads to thickening of the blood and lymph, decreased elasticity of the skin, muscles, headaches, joint pain, and so on.

So what to do? The answer is simple - moisturize the body, saturate it with moisture, that is, drink water. But when, how and which one?

You know that water is the basis of our body. And water is a carrier of information and energy. The body also requires large amounts of water to transfer energy. Many energy practices, in particular theta healing, are possible only with a sufficient amount of water in the body.

And most importantly, water records any information, both good and bad. If you swear near her, she will record the negative, let her listen to good music or tell her words of love and the water will record the positive.

And only positively charged water is good for health!

Yogis advise drinking water in the morning, not cold, but warm-hot, about 40 degrees.

Drink as much as you can - 1 glass, 2, 3... Just always start gradually. If you have never drank water in the morning before and generally drink little, start with a couple of sips and gradually, day by day, increase the dose.

Why is water at this temperature useful? It is also called “fast water”.

By the way, do you know where water is absorbed in the body? For some reason, many people answer me that it’s in the stomach. The digestive process occurs in the stomach, and water is absorbed in the small intestine. Fast water means it gets there quickly, namely into the small intestine!

If you have ever been interested in the structure of our stomach, you have seen such pictures (see the picture at the top of the article). Along the edge of the stomach there is a groove for direct passage through the stomach, without delay.

What can go directly that does not require digestion?

Only water! No tea, no coffee, no herbal infusions, compotes! Digestive enzymes are already needed to break them down.

Why is it warm? And the cold stomach will not let in directly, it will warm it up.

And the Chinese believe that heating of water and other food in the stomach occurs due to the energy of the kidneys, so I strongly advise against eating and drinking cold food. Because the energy of the kidneys needs to be protected and increased, and not wasted.

And one more important point. The digestive process should not take place in the stomach when water enters! Otherwise, the wise body will direct all the water to dilute digestive enzymes, and not let it pass into the intestines!

So, only water, only warm and on an empty stomach! Here are three conditions for drinking fast water. And don’t forget to tell her words of love and gratitude.

And what will you get as a result?

Water will flow directly into the pericellular space, and not inside the cell (namely, intracellular water is edema). And intercellular water thins blood and lymph, reduces sugar and cholesterol.

The water deficit that accumulated at night is replenished - after all, the processes in the body were going on, but there was no water supply. And some people even sweat at night!

Water in the morning on an empty stomach washes away toxins, the remains of undigested food from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes the emptying of the large intestine.

Prepares the gastrointestinal tract for work. In half an hour you can have breakfast.

And proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to the absorption of all nutrients and a long healthy life.

According to Tibetan medicine, water has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it helps relieve stress (there is a well-known recipe - after a stressful situation, drink a glass of hot water in small sips - and you will immediately feel significantly better and the body will “dissolve” stress without harm to itself), reduce anxiety and depression.

And also note that those who drink hot water in the morning have very few wrinkles! I discussed this issue with many cosmetologists I know, and they all confirm this hypothesis.

Moreover, they say that as soon as women notice how much better their skin is becoming, many begin to drink not 1 glass of water in the morning, but 2 or 3. And the effect intensifies.

When to drink water? It is best from 5 to 7 am, and in the evening before bed.

Although whether to drink or not before bed is up to you. If you never drink at night, fearing swelling or night trips to the toilet, then you need to start just as gradually, accustoming your body little by little.

But the main thing is to drink in the morning! You can acidify the water a little with lemon juice. But neither tea, nor compote, nor any other liquid can replace water.

Water and information

Treatment with water is very simple, you just need to know how to do it correctly.

“There is no need to prove to anyone now that water has the property of memory. Many books, scientific articles have been written on this topic, and many films have been made. But what can we say if, for example, Epiphany water lasts for a year or two, and does not spoil, and even has healing properties. This phenomenon can be explained only by recognizing the fact that water is capable of recording information on itself. Even in ancient times, people knew that water carries information; since then there has been a proverb: “Don’t sit down to drink tea with an evil person.”

Water is a kind of magnetic film that records all the information it comes into contact with.

Traditional healers cast a spell on water, and it is water that heals a person. Witches and sorcerers read their evil spells over the water, and then pour it on their neighbors’ doorsteps. A neighbor comes out, stands on the threshold, and then suddenly, out of the blue, his legs begin to hurt or fail, and no one can help.

Why do people say that damage is caused (to water), taken out, i.e. The root of the word is water. And every housewife knows that if you cook food in a bad mood, it will be impossible to eat it. And if you cook food with love, then you won’t even be able to pull a person away from the plate by the ears.

And a person, in fact, consists of 70-80% water. They scold us, shout at us, curse us, and we feel bad. They will say words of love to us, praise us, thank us, and we will immediately blossom.

If you put a glass of water in front of the TV, then all the negativity that is shown there will be recorded in the water. The same applies to the computer, radio and other sources of information.

The water we drink remembers everything it came into contact with: all the slops poured into the reservoir from which the fence comes, the rusty pipes through which it flows, the curses of the loaders who unloaded it at the store, the emotions of the seller who gave us this water , i.e. water is a living being in a certain sense of the word.

The water memory effect has long been included in medical practice. Homeopathy is now an officially recognized method of treatment. Homeopaths dissolve the medicine in such minute concentrations that literally a few molecules of the medicine remain per bucket of water.

Masaru Emoto, the famous Japanese scientist, clearly demonstrated through his experiments that water is capable of absorbing, storing and transmitting human thoughts and emotions. The shape of ice crystals formed when water freezes not only depends on its purity, but also changes depending on what kind of music is played over this water, what images are shown to it and words spoken, and even on what people think about it, or they don't pay attention to her.

Recording information on water

So, how can you clear water of all negative information and write positive information onto it so that the water acquires healing properties?

Thought forms for purifying and charging water:

1. Place a glass of water on the palm of your left hand, and cover the top of the glass with your right hand.

2. Using the power of your mind, begin to transfer energy from your hands to the water, say to yourself or out loud the following words, thought forms:

3. I am launching a program to neutralize all harmful chemical impurities and heavy metal salts found in this water.

4. The composition of salts and microelements necessary to normalize my health remains in the water.

7. Convey positive emotions of love and gratitude to the water, set a positive intention, for example, “Water - give health, give strength, give energy, restore my health, restore every cell of my body!”

8. Use your imagination, write down on the water the information that will be most appropriate for you, for example:

· I program this water to cleanse all vessels in my body.

· To restore vision.

· For resorption of glaucoma, cataracts.

· To restore my heart health.

· To restore potency.

· To eliminate sand in the kidneys, salts in the joints.

· For resorption of tumors, fibroids, cysts.

· To eliminate toothache or headache, etc.


You can simply say to the water: “I love you. I thank you,” but say it not with your mind, but with your soul, your heart!

Drink this water and restore your health!

Information from a cardiologist

Change the time you take water - this is very important.

Drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness in the body:

2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs;

1 glass of water 30 minutes before meals - promotes digestion;

1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure;

Drinking 1 glass of water before going to bed helps prevent stroke or heart attack.

I might also add to this: my doctor told me that water can prevent nighttime leg cramps. The leg muscles seek hydration when they cramp and wake us up.

One day I came across a very interesting book, in which it was written that all the dishes in the house should be blessed at least once every six months. At first I didn’t attach any importance to this, but later I heard about it from other sources.

We consecrate the dishes in the house with charmed water

I wondered how this was done.

You will need 3 white candles (preferably thin), and a bowl of water. First you need to light the candles and place them on the table in the form of a triangle, put a bowl of water in the middle and say 3 times:

“I bow my back on four sides, I ask the forces of light for protection, I seek blessings. Light forces, come, bless my dishes, so that the food brings good and carries evil underground. Let it be so!"

After this, the charmed water should be sprinkled on all the dishes in the house, including baking sheets, pots, and pans. Candles need to be extinguished and put away.

Irina Boldina

Special commissions of the Ministry of Health selectively check the quality of drinking water directly in homes - “from the tap”. Inspections show that standards are strictly adhered to. There are practically no pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the water, which is ensured by the chlorine content in the water throughout its transportation. The residual amount of free chlorine in drinking water is almost homeopathic (0.1 - 0.5 mg/l) and is completely incapable of harming health, however, some people are able to sense such small amounts of chlorine.

To remove chlorine from water, it must be heated until it begins to boil, when gases dissolved in the water are released in the form of small bubbles. Water without chlorine is unprotected and must be stored in a hermetically sealed glass container. But you cannot boil drinking water, since in this case all the mineral salts absolutely necessary for our health, which are in a soluble state in it, turn into insoluble carbonates and precipitate - scale. Boiled water is good for washing, but not for drinking. Constant consumption of such softened water can lead to brittle bones, heart and brain diseases, and many other diseases. A deficiency of calcium, magnesium and many microelements cannot be compensated for by food, in which they are found in the form of complex complexes and are difficult to absorb by the body.

Humanity paid heavily for cleaning organisms with “clean” water - many people died, especially children. Today it has been scientifically proven that “pure” water can unbalance the functioning of the body. All physiological solutions currently used in medicine contain soluble salts of sodium, calcium and potassium in approximately the same concentration as they are in the blood plasma.

According to Ilya Mechnikov, the famous biologist and Nobel Prize laureate of 1908, the Caucasian highlanders owe their longevity not to salt-free melt water, but to the regular consumption of dry grape wine, which contains the entire bouquet of mineral salts necessary for humans. The Swiss mountaineers, who drank pure melt water and did not drink similar wine, were not distinguished by their longevity. Moreover, it was the Swiss who got sick more often than other Europeans. It is no coincidence that it is customary for celebrants to wish specifically Caucasian, and not Swiss, longevity.

Rosa Kecher, Doctor of Chemical Sciences

In this article I will reveal to you the simplest secret to longevity. You encounter it many times every day!

This secret was described by Avicenna in his recipes for longevity. He considered “drying of the body” to be one of the most significant factors of aging.

Modern science agrees with this - with age, the amount of water in the body decreases.

This leads to thickening of the blood and lymph, decreased elasticity of the skin, muscles, headaches, joint pain, and so on.

So what to do? The answer is simple - moisturize the body, saturate it with moisture, that is, drink water. But when, how and which one?

You know that water is the basis of our body. And water is a carrier of information and energy. The body also requires large amounts of water to transfer energy. Many energy practices, in particular theta healing, are possible only with a sufficient amount of water in the body.

And most importantly, water records any information, both bad and good. If you swear near her, she will record the negative, let her listen to good music or tell her words of love, and the water will record the positive.

And only positively charged water is good for health!

Yogis advise drinking water in the morning, just not cold, but warm-hot, about 40 degrees.

Drink as much as you can - 1 glass, 2, 3...

Just always start gradually.

If you have never drank water in the morning before and generally drink little, start with a couple of sips and gradually, day by day, increase the dose.

Why is water at this temperature useful?
Is it also called “fast water”?

By the way, do you know where water is absorbed in the body? For some reason, many people answer me that it’s in the stomach.

The digestive process occurs in the stomach, and water is absorbed in the small intestine. Fast water means it gets there quickly, namely into the small intestine!

If you have ever been interested in the structure of our stomach, you have seen such pictures (see the picture at the top of the article). Along the edge of the stomach there is a groove for direct passage through the stomach, without delay.

What can go directly that does not require digestion?

Only water! No tea, no coffee, no herbal infusions, compotes! Digestive enzymes are already needed to break them down.

Why is it warm?

And the cold stomach will not let in directly, it will warm it up.

And the Chinese believe that heating of water and other food in the stomach occurs due to the energy of the kidneys, so I strongly advise against eating and drinking cold food.

Because the energy of the kidneys needs to be protected and increased, and not wasted.

And one more important point. In the stomach when water enters the digestive process should not take place! Otherwise, the wise body will direct all the water to dilute digestive enzymes, and not let it pass into the intestines!

So, only water, only warm and on an empty stomach! Here are three conditions for drinking fast water. And don't forget to tell her words of love and gratitude.

And what will you get as a result?

Water will flow directly into the pericellular space, and not inside the cell (namely, intracellular water is edema). And intercellular water thins blood and lymph, reduces sugar and cholesterol.

The water deficit that accumulated at night is replenished - after all, the processes in the body were going on, but there was no water supply. And some people even sweat at night!

Water in the morning on an empty stomach washes away toxins, the remains of undigested food from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes the emptying of the large intestine.

Prepares the gastrointestinal tract for work. In half an hour you can have breakfast.

And proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to the absorption of all nutrients and a long healthy life. Here's the secret to longevity!

According to Tibetan medicine, water has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it helps relieve stress (there is a well-known recipe - after a stressful situation, drink a glass of hot water in small sips- and you will immediately feel significantly better, and the body will “dissolve” stress without harm to itself), reduce anxiety and depression.

And also note that those who drink hot water in the morning have very few wrinkles!

I discussed this issue with many cosmetologists I know, and they all confirm this hypothesis.

Moreover, they say that as soon as women notice how much better their skin is becoming, many begin to drink not 1 glass of water in the morning, but 2 or 3. And the effect intensifies.

When to drink water? It is best from 5 to 7 am, and in the evening before bed.

Although whether to drink or not before bed is up to you. If you never drink at night, fearing swelling or night trips to the toilet, then you should also start gradually, accustoming your body little by little.

But the main thing is to drink in the morning! You can acidify the water a little with lemon juice.

But neither tea, nor compote, nor any other liquid can replace water.

There is a simple, but at the same time effective way to prolong life - the secret of longevity, which has been known since ancient times. Everyone knows this recipe and even unconsciously uses it, without realizing its benefits. This is drinking ordinary water.

The older a person gets, the more dehydrated the body becomes, so it needs to be regularly nourished and supplied with life-giving water. With its deficiency in the body, the blood becomes thick, blood pressure rises, skin elasticity decreases, wrinkles form, joint pain and headaches appear. And the way to get rid of all this and improve your body is simple - you need to drink water.

Drink water: but how, when and how much?

Water is the main component of our body. It is also a carrier of energy and information and is needed to move energy throughout the body. She absorbs all the information, transforms it and passes it on. If you send a completely negative message, the liquid will be negatively charged; with positive emotions, the water will record this. To strengthen and heal the body, you need positively charged water. To do this, you can simply read a prayer over a glass of water. So, how to drink water correctly:

  • When - yogis recommend drinking water in the morning, as soon as you wake up, and then not eating for half an hour.
  • How much - based on the capabilities of the body, maybe a glass, maybe two. As much as your body tells you.
  • Temperature - the water should be warm-hot, about 40 degrees.

You need to start small, maybe even a couple of sips. Then the dose should be gradually increased. The main thing is to do it regularly, then it will become a habit and become the norm. Cm. .

Why does the water have to be exactly this temperature?

It is called "fast water". Many people believe that water is absorbed in the stomach, but this is not true. Absorption occurs in the small intestine. And the digestive process takes place in the stomach, water there will only interfere, dilute the gastric juice and, as a result, the food will be poorly absorbed. The human stomach is designed in such a way that only water can immediately enter the small intestine, since it does not need to be digested, unlike teas, compotes, carbonated drinks and other things. Why is it warm?

  • Because if it is cold, then the stomach will be forced to heat it to a suitable temperature, and only then pass it into the intestines.
  • According to the Chinese, heating water and cold food occurs due to the energy of the kidneys, so cold food should be avoided, since the energy of the kidneys should not be wasted, it should be protected and increased.

Conclusion: You just need to drink warm water on an empty stomach, so that there is no food in your stomach, and don’t eat for half an hour. At the same time, you should say words of gratitude and fill the water with positive emotions.

Water, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, will replenish the deficiency formed during the long night, and will also quickly remove toxins, remnants of undigested food, and improve bowel movements. In addition, it will prepare the gastrointestinal tract for eating food: after half an hour you can safely have breakfast, and all the food eaten will be well absorbed. And properly adjusted functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is a recipe for longevity and health. That's the whole secret.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today I want to touch on the topic of longevity and what is its secret.
In this article we will tell you the simplest and most effective “Secret of Longevity”. Even Avicenna (a medieval Arab thinker, healer, musician, philosopher) mentioned this secret of longevity in his recipes and believed that one of the factors of aging is drying out of the body (that is, lack of water).
Nowadays, scientific research has also shown that as the body ages, the amount of water in our body decreases significantly with age... This all leads to various diseases: headaches, strokes, decreased skin elasticity, fatigue appears, also leads to blood thickening, hypertension and others many diseases. So what to do and what to do?
The answer is quite simple, we need to saturate our body with moisture, that is, water. After all, it’s probably no secret that water is the basis of our body. Lack of water in the body can lead to dehydration. Our skin becomes dry, and the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth also dry out, which leads to infection. The importance of water for any person cannot be overestimated. But that's not all, scientists have proven that water is also a carrier of information. It records any information good or bad. Therefore, if you swear, scream or say good words, it doesn’t matter, water records them and then transmits this information to our body. So remember this, this is a very important part.

When you wake up, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of warm water, not hot or cold, but warm. It is important!!! The water should be approximately 30-50 degrees. Start drinking water gradually, you can start with just a few sips and then gradually increase the volume.
When you drink water in the morning, it flushes away toxins, cleanses our intestines of undigested food, and helps empty our colon. Water also prepares our gastrointestinal tract to function properly, which leads to a long and healthy life.
You should drink water, not tea, coffee, herbal teas or anything else. It is also important to drink warm water. Why should the water be warm? The fact is that when water enters the stomach it begins to heat up, and only then it enters the intestines where it begins to be absorbed into our body. By the way, did you know where water is absorbed in the body? For some reason, many answer that in the stomach... The digestive process occurs in the stomach, and water is absorbed in the small intestine.
The Chinese believe that heating water and food comes from the energy of the kidneys, and therefore they do not advise eating or drinking cold food and water. Therefore, let us also take care of our body.
It is also very important that when you drink water, you should not eat before. The fact is that if you have food in your body, then our wise body will direct it to dilute digestive enzymes and will not let it into the intestines, which means water will not get into the small intestine where it is absorbed into our body.
Every day an adult needs to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. In the morning, 1-2 glasses are a must, during the day and before bed. If you can’t drink water before bed, you don’t have to drink it, but you definitely need to do it in the morning.
And also note that those who drink hot water in the morning have very few wrinkles! Many cosmetologists confirm this hypothesis.

What kind of water should you drink?

What kind of water should we use? Now we’ll talk a little about this.

Water is most often taken from nearby rivers or lakes. This means that everything that this city is rich in (garbage, heavy metal salts, bacteria, etc.) gets into it. Therefore, the water goes through purification, but in order to kill all pathogenic bacteria in it, chlorine is added to it. Chlorine is used in almost all water treatment plants in Russia to disinfect and clarify drinking water.
On the one hand, chlorination of water is a huge benefit. Thanks to water chlorination, humanity got rid of epidemics of cholera and other infectious diseases that previously claimed millions of lives. On the other hand, in our time, alarming voices of doctors and scientists are increasingly heard, who believe that humanity is paying too high a price for the benefit of getting rid of infectious diseases carried by water.

Boiled water:

Since childhood, we have all been taught to drink only boiled water. After all, it destroys all bacteria harmful to the human body, and also removes chlorine and its constituent elements, ammonia, radon, cadmium, etc. Boiling helps us purify water, but at the same time it radically changes its structure. Boiled water is often called “dead”, since under the influence of high temperatures not only harmful, but also all useful substances are destroyed. That is, if all the useful substances are killed in it, then it is essentially completely useless for humans. In addition, it is important to remember that there are a number of bacteria and viruses that are not affected by high temperatures, and they successfully remain in boiled water.
There is also an equally interesting fact that when boiling water, chloroform (a component of chlorine) is formed, which has a pathogenic effect on our body and leads to the formation of cancer cells.

This method is also known to all of us; it helps to partially remove chlorine from water, but does not rid it of harmful bacteria and viruses. To settle, you need to pour water into a container and leave it for several hours. This way we will achieve the removal of chlorine by 1/3 of the surface (the main thing is not to stir the water).

This method is the most labor-intensive of all, but it is the most effective. The method involves crystallization of water and subsequent purification from harmful impurities.
Pour water into a saucepan and place it in the freezer with a lid. Gradually the water begins to freeze, and after a few hours it will freeze completely. First, the surface of the water is covered with ice, and then along the edges of the container, first at the walls, and lastly in the middle of the pan. The cleaner the water, the faster it begins to freeze, and dirty water is the last to freeze. It is this dirty water that gradually concentrates in the middle of our container. We need to drain this water from the middle, but if you don’t have time and the water is completely frozen, then place the center of our container under a stream of warm or hot water. She will melt a hole in the ice where the dirty water has frozen. This place is very noticeable: all the ice in the pan is more or less transparent, and in the middle it is whitish.
We thaw all the water and it can be consumed, it turned out clean and tasty. Such water is perfectly absorbed by tissue cells, since its structure is similar to our blood. This is the water that the mountaineers drink. Melting water from glaciers and snowy peaks is water for long-livers.

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The only difference is when, what and how to use It. Let's look at this issue together.

In this article I will tell you the simplest secret of longevity. You encounter it many times every day! This secret was described by Avicenna in his recipes for longevity.

He considered “drying of the body” to be one of the most significant factors of aging. Modern science agrees with this - with age, the amount of water in the body decreases. This leads to thickening of the blood and lymph, decreased elasticity of the skin, muscles, headaches, joint pain, and so on. So what to do? The answer is simple - moisturize the body, saturate it with moisture, that is, drink water. But when, how and which one?

You know that water is the basis of Our body. And water is a carrier of information and energy. The body also requires large amounts of water to transfer energy. Many energy practices, in particular theta healing, are possible only with a sufficient amount of water in the body. And most importantly, water records any information, both good and bad. If you swear near her, she will record the negative, let her listen to good music or tell her words of love, and the water will record the positive. And only positively charged water is good for health!

Yogis advise drinking water in the morning, not cold, but warm - hot, about 40 degrees.

Drink as much as you can - 1 glass, 2, 3... Just always start gradually. If you have never drank water in the morning before and generally drink little, start with a couple of sips and gradually, day by day, increase the dose.

Why is water at this temperature useful? It is also called “fast water”.

By the way, do you know where water absorption occurs in the body? For some reason, many people answer me that it’s in the stomach. The digestive process occurs in the stomach, and water is absorbed in the small intestine.

Fast water means it gets there quickly, namely into the small intestine! If you have ever been interested in the structure of your stomach, you have seen pictures like this (see the picture at the top of the article). Along the edge of the stomach there is a groove for direct passage through the stomach, without delay. What can go directly that does not require digestion? Only water! No tea, no coffee, no herbal infusions, compotes!

Digestive enzymes are already needed to break them down. Why is it warm? And the cold stomach will not let in directly, it will warm it up. And the Chinese believe that heating of water and other food in the stomach occurs due to the energy of the kidneys, so they categorically do not advise eating or drinking cold food. Because the energy of the kidneys needs to be protected and increased, and not wasted.

And one more important point. The digestive process should not take place in the stomach when water enters! Otherwise, the wise body will direct all the water to dilute digestive enzymes, and not let it pass into the intestines!

So, only water, only warm and on an empty stomach! Here are three conditions for drinking fast water. And don’t forget to tell her words of Love and Gratitude.

And what will you get as a result? Water will go directly into the pericellular space, and not inside the cell (namely, intracellular water is edema). And intercellular water thins blood and lymph, reduces sugar and cholesterol. The water deficit that accumulated at night is replenished - after all, the processes in the body were going on, but there was no water supply. And some people even sweat at night!

Water in the morning on an empty stomach washes away toxins, remnants of undigested food from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes the emptying of the large intestine. Prepares the gastrointestinal tract for work. In half an hour you can have breakfast. And proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to the absorption of all nutrients and a long healthy Life. Here's the secret to longevity!

According to Tibetan medicine, water has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it helps relieve stress (there is a well-known recipe - after a stressful situation, drink a glass of hot water in small sips - and you will immediately feel significantly better, and the body will “dissolve” stress without harm to itself), reduce anxiety and depression.

And also note that those who drink hot water in the morning have very few wrinkles! I discussed this issue with many cosmetologists I know, and they all confirm this hypothesis. Moreover, they say that as soon as women notice how much better their skin is becoming, many begin to drink not 1 glass of water in the morning, but 2 or 3. And the effect intensifies.

When to drink water? It is best from 5 to 7 am, and in the evening before bed. Although whether to drink or not before bed is up to you. If you never drink at night, fearing swelling or night trips to the toilet, then you need to start gradually, accustom your body little by little.

But the main thing is to drink in the morning! Some acidify the water a little with lemon juice (but my opinion is only pure and positively charged water). But neither tea, nor compote, nor any other liquid can replace water!

I wish you HELLO for many years to come!

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