Ritual for judgment with red pepper. Conspiracies and rituals for winning in court. Not to be denied anything - a spell for success in court

If you have to be a defendant in court, drill a fairly wide and deep, but not through hole in the chestnut fruit. Grind dry sage herb and tobacco into powder. Pour this mixture into the cavity of the chestnut and seal the hole with melted black candle wax. In court, keep this amulet with you and touch it with the fingers of your left hand from time to time.

Win a lawsuit

When going to court, in which they will testify against you, tear off the birch bark that is shaking in the wind from the birch tree, and say:

How this quail shakes,
so would my adversary (name) tremble,
didn't say a word against me,
played the whole litigation in my favor.
My head is made of iron,
copper eyes,
silver tongue,
damask heart,
wolf legs,
and my enemy (name)
sightless pig eyes,
sheep tongue,
calf mind,
hare heart.

Take this birch bark with you to court, throw it there on the floor somewhere and say:

This grass was taken from the earth,
taken from the trees,
torn by my hands and fingers,
thrown to the ground
rubbed and trampled by my feet -
will also be worn out and trampled
and all the defense of my enemy (name),
he will not say a word against me,
he won’t do anything against me,
He will create everything against himself.

If several opponents speak out against you, then do not name names and instead of “enemies,” say “enemies.”

Ritual to win in any circumstances
Prepare an infusion of burdock root and plantain seeds. Strain and pour it into a glass bottle, sealing it with a cork. Store this infusion in a dark place until the eve of the day you must appear in court. When this time comes, light an orange candle and pour half of the infusion into your bath. While in the water, imagine yourself winning a court case. Feel how the power of witchcraft herbs is transferred to you and makes you able to achieve victory under any circumstances. The next day, before going to court, read the plot:

I went out the door
passed through the gate
Yes, I came to the eastern side,
and on the east side
golden keys flow,
silver keys
and diamond keys.
And I washed myself in those three springs,
and from that I would appear to all the judges
more beautiful than the golden sun,
brighter than the silver month,
especially diamond stars.
They would respect all my words,
they were taken on faith,
and all the others, opposite to me and thin,
didn't notice.

Conspiracy to win in court
If an accusation is being prepared against you in court or bad plans are being hatched, clasp three coins in your left fist and say the following conspiracy:

I'll leave the house through the doors,
from the doors by the gates
to green fields, to clean meadows,
into the dark forests,
to where thirty coffins lie,
thirty dead.
In those thirty dead hearts do not burn,
hands do not rise, lips do not open,
so would my enemy... (name)’s heart not flare up,
hands did not rise, lips did not open.
Who will think evil and dashingly think about me,
I myself will tear that person apart and devour him,
I have a wolf's mouth, an iron tooth,
bear claw.
Judgment by judgment, century by century,
There is no judgment against me and there will not be until the judgment of the Lord.
My words are strong, my deeds are free.

Going out into the street, give the charmed coins in alms to one person and boldly go to carry out your business or give an answer in court.

In order to win a lawsuit, confront ill-wishers or defeat your enemies, purchase a large red pepper pod and remove all the seeds from it. Write down the names of all your rivals and competitors on a piece of paper. Fold the paper and place it inside the red pod. Place this pepper on ice in a cold basement and keep it there until all your affairs and disagreements are resolved in your favor.

On the eve of the big day, get ice. Write on a piece of paper the name of the judge or the person who decides issues that are important to you, put this piece of paper on a plate, and place a piece of ice on top of it. Make a hole in the ice and pour sugar into it. Then place nine candles around a plate of ice and light the wicks. Watch the ice melt and imagine that the heart of the person whose name is depicted on the paper will melt in the same way, that you will be able to “sweeten the situation” and that, ultimately, you will get what you wanted.

Win a lawsuit and the heliotrope stone you carry in your left pocket will help you defeat your enemies. To take advantage of the properties of this stone, apply three drops of bergamot or rosemary essential oil to its surface or throw it into boiling water, where you first add red rose or rose hip petals.

The main topic of this article is independent conspiracies for good luck in court. Litigation is a prosaic thing. It seems that there is not a single person who, at least once in his life, has not had the opportunity to file a claim in court, or to be a defendant in a claim. The problem is pressing. In itself, resolving issues in court is not scary, but what’s scary is something completely different - time (legal litigation can last for years, and the outcome of the case is sometimes unpredictable) and financial investments, which can be quite considerable. You can influence the judge's decision and help yourself with the help of magical rituals.

Magic rituals for winning in court

A home conspiracy, designed for a positive decision from a judge, is a simple witchcraft ritual that will serve as support in court proceedings. In court, not only the letter of the law is important, but also how the participants in the process look at you. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will remind you, if you accidentally forgot, all officials, as well as witnesses and plaintiffs, are only people, and nothing more. A real magician is able to influence, turn in the direction he needs, make him believe, empathize, think the way he needs. This can be achieved with the help of a strong witchcraft word, reading conspiracy to win in court.

Conspiracy for a positive court decision on a scarf

To protect yourself from the judge's wrath and avoid jail, do a simple ritual for good luck in court using a new handkerchief. Read the plot for success in court three times on the scarf (you need a clear visualization of your desire), and take it with you to the hearing. When entering the meeting room, wipe your face with it, and be calm, believing in the power of the magic word.

And the words of the spell for success in court proceedings are:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up in the morning, blessing myself, I will go out of the doors, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field. I’ll stand in a wide field, and there will be iron gates and damask locks. I, servant of God (name), will stand between those locks and place a golden crown on my head, a clear month. For a clear month I will put a red sun, no one will be angry with me, just as no one is angry with a clear sun, just as everyone rejoices at a clear sun. No one will be upset with me, neither the king, nor the queen, nor the courts of the world, nor the whole Orthodox world. They will be in front of me lower than mown grass, quieter than still water. I close my case, I close it with words. Amen".

It's effective conspiracy to succeed in court, it can be used when practicing in any witchcraft tradition. Warlocks simply do not utter the word “servant of God” and do not mention other symbols of the Christian egregor. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that the witchcraft ritual works no worse because of this. In fact, the action is based on the personal witchcraft power of the performer and visualization.

Black troubles - powerful conspiracies for good luck in court

Morok or mana, haze, mara - the effect is strong and fast, almost instantaneous. Casting a spell is the art of witchcraft, one of the most amazing and mysterious ways of influencing human consciousness. Sorcerer, as a result of which a person (or a group of people) sees and perceives not what is, but what the magician inspired them with. This is the essence and meaning of creating an obsession, in order to replace the true state of affairs with an imaginary one.

  • Words can save.
  • Words can destroy.
  • Words can be controlled.

Sorcerers often use tricks in their work. What would it be like without them? A huge advantage of the black conspiracy for success in court cases is its versatility. You can use such an influence on the psyche of others literally under any circumstances, in any everyday situations. Including, of course, as a conspiracy to prevent the case from coming to trial.

A strong conspiracy to avoid trial - Find it, trouble, from any side

And here is one of the troubles, which can be defined as protection from prosecution, or in other conditions, as a domestic conspiracy against the court, if it has already come to that. To convince the judge of what you need, read the words of an independent conspiracy right during the hearing:

“Find the trouble, from any side, from the windy and averted, from the sunrise and the west, bother your head, look away thirty-three times. Moronic leprosy, eat up the purity of thoughts, give me a swooning emptiness. Just as a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy (name) sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, . (The information that needs to be conveyed is put into consciousness; pronounced mentally, an odic gaze is directed at the object of influence, at the Ajna chakra, or the third eye, located just above the point between the eyebrows. In Sanskrit, “ajna” means “order”). The bones of the skull will separate, thoughts will spread like jelly. The bones of the skull will separate, thoughts will spread like jelly. The bones of the skull will separate, thoughts will spread like jelly. This is my will. Let it be so".

Read the text of the conspiracy to be acquitted in court three times in your mind. Works great in personal contact with the object. However, you can also make a suggestion based on a photo, according to the same rules, with a clear visualization of the result. Depending on what you want to achieve from the judge or other participants in the process, this trouble can also be defined as a black conspiracy to be acquitted in court.

Not to be denied anything - a spell for success in court

Here is another effective ritual that helps you gain the trust of the right people and never be denied anything. This trick can be used as a magical spell against prosecution.

  • you need to read for several days in a row,
  • to any moon
  • with clear intention and precise visualization.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, warn you that you need to clearly form a picture of the result and, while reading the text of the conspiracy to win in court, keep it in your head.

“I don’t walk, I don’t quietly hurry on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster, there was no refusal for me (name) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Damn it, take my concern. So that no one has a word against me, neither evil nor any. They wouldn’t move their tongue against me, they would respect and love me. The witch's word is strong, the power is in the word. Truly."

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Self-conspiracy to win in court - how to win a money case

When considering a case related to a money issue, put your right hand in your pocket and fold the fig. You need to read the words of the spell against judgment to yourself 3 times:

“You don’t care, but for me there are boxes full, for me whole barns, wallets with a lot of money, chests with gold and silver. I am a prince, I am a merchant, I am the crown of happiness. Truly."

You can do something before the court, if there is a special need. At dawn of the day when the trial is scheduled, perform a magical ritual before the court so that everything is your way, so that no one interferes with the case. Go out onto the road, bow to the dawn, and read the words of the conspiracy for success in litigation:

“The red maiden is like the running maiden, now you show off in the morning, then in the afternoon you stand tall, and in the evening you roll away. So go over the world and stand up for me, either pacify the kings, silence the storytellers, subdue the slaves, kill the archers, burn the executioners, drive all the adversaries into the swamps. No one will turn back, no one will resist, and the world will bow to me. Amen".

Then you need to say your desire in your own words.

Working magical ritual. Tested and used by practicing magicians. The conspiracy works wonderfully as a defense against the attacks of others, and can be used as an independent ritual for success in court.

Magic ritual using the deceased's belongings to win a trial

To make a talisman for yourself in court, which will protect you from lies and a harsh sentence, and will help you become a winner in court, you need the shirt in which the person died. The sleeve is torn off the dead man’s shirt, tied with 3 knots, and for each knot read a strong conspiracy to win a case in court three times:

“Just as this dead man could not be condemned, sent to prison, or sent to hard labor, so I (if they are reading for another person, saying his name) cannot be sentenced. The judges' hearts will be touched; they will not find fault with me. Just as the Lord will be kind to the judge at his Divine judgment, so the judge will be merciful to me. Amen".

When going to court, you need to take your sleeve with you, enchanted by a strong spell.

Read a plot to win in court - help from the Guardian Angel

This is a strong amulet that has considerable power. To use it effectively, you need an established connection with the Forces of the Christian egregor. Angel's help may be needed in any matter, including at home. spell for good luck in court, in fact, universal. It works very effectively when it comes to legal proceedings.

Write a white conspiracy for a positive court decision on a piece of paper, and keep the sheet with you during the trial.

“To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned this day. And keep me from every situation, demonic and human, judicial and lawless, and deliver me from every wickedness of the enemy against me. Pray for my sins, give it to me, so that I may repent of my sins, and live the rest of my life sinlessly, so that I will not anger my God through any sin; but pray for me, a sinful, unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen".

Protective spell to protect against prosecution

A powerful amulet to avoid judgment, like the previous one, also requires contact with Christian Forces. The personal amulet is strong, helps all participants in the trial -

  • plaintiffs
  • and witnesses
  • to the defendants
  • and lawyers,
  • prosecutors
  • and judges.

This protective plot to win in court must be read when going to the meeting. Be sure to write it on a piece of paper and keep the witchcraft amulet with you the entire time the trial lasts.

“I bow to the One God, and every creature glorifies Him forever. Amen. The Lord spoke to Emmanuel: the mind of a good man walks straight and does not go astray, for the Angel of peace guides his soul. And he does not look at the passionate and perishable, and does not accept bribes, and does not commit unjust judgment. His heart will not be delighted with the pleasure received from unrighteousness, and will not be satiated with luxury obtained illegally, and will not be deceived by exaltation unjustly achieved, for his lot and his reward are the Lord of Hosts. A good thought does not accept dishonest glory, and is not afraid of human dishonor, and does not know any deceit, or enmity, or slander, for the Lord dwells in him, and enlightens his soul, and those who stand next to him and stand before him. . And he walks with the Lord, and stands, and speaks, and rejoices at all times. Good providence does not, at the same time, bless and does not curse, does not humiliate and does not honor, does not rejoice and does not grieve, does not rest and does not worry, does not act hypocritically and does not speak sincerely. And the righteous does not hear in two ways, but says one thing: yes, yes, or no, no; listens to one thing: yes-yes, or no-no; everything else is from the evil one. The good man cleanses his soul, for the Lord enlightens him, and he purifies his thoughts, and he does not know the judgment of unrighteousness, and he does not know the malice of man, and no one will condemn him forever, but may the mercy and grace of the Lord be with him. Amen"

An independent plot to win in court will give you confidence in your abilities. You will know that in a difficult situation you are under the protection of the Light Forces of the Christian egregor. Provided, of course, that you are an adept of these Forces. The same remark applies to black magic spells. If you stay away from God and Demons, read universal conspiracies with an appeal to the Forces of Nature.

Using a conspiracy to win a trial is an opportunity to prove your case and grab “luck by the tail.” The methods presented may seem quite radical, since most are associated with dark magic.

Powerful conspiracies for a successful trial

Rituals and rituals are carried out in strict accordance with the specified rules.

You can use some prayers that are also described. Protection from Higher powers will be required if the situation is sufficiently ambiguous and requires careful investigation.

  • The magic that brings ;
  • Special spells.

There are many magical ways to achieve a positive result in legal proceedings. If you went to court because of a wrong decision and you need protection, guardian angels will help. To solve your selfish goals and some complex matters, you will have to turn to the Dark Forces.

It is worth taking into account that in the second case, it is necessary to put up a defense and prepare a speech that you will give to a representative of the infernal world. The wrong approach to the issue can be fatal and bring not only the collapse of the court case, but also other troubles.

Spell for victory on the eve of judgment

This plot is performed before the court with several additional attributes:

  • Church candle;
  • Scissors.
We have been given freedom since childhood and we must take care of it.

This method will help you win your case and silence your enemies. Light the candle and start cutting the flame until the fire goes out. Say the following words:

“Let Solomon and the Hand of the Savior judge my matter. The servant of God (your name) will go to the judges and speak the truth. Let my adversaries not open their mouths, let them not move their hands, let them not burn with their fiery gaze. I say my word of honor, for good and joy. Key, tongue, lock."

The cinder is placed in the pocket for good luck.

Conspiracy to win in court for financial matters

Before going to court, you must say these words three times. The spell must be learned by heart, otherwise nothing will work. Repeat the spell three times:

“Lord God, my Heavenly Father! You brought seventy-seven locks and keys into the world and gave people speech in different languages. Let my enemies be silent, and let all the tormentors and envious people say a word for me. Throw my key into the endless sea, and whoever can get it will be able to judge me. Amen".

If the truth is yours, then you have already won!

The main thing is to believe in the outcome of your case, and also to have a serious evidence base.

Spell on a scarf for success in the courts

To quickly win in court, read the conspiracy before leaving the house, that is, before the start of the hearing. Take a clean, white scarf and tie it in three knots. Say each time you tie a new knot:

“Save and preserve in the Lord from sorrow and troubles: from dishonest judgment, from evil envious people, from accursed enemies. Bless me for a righteous deed, just as the ends of my handkerchief come together, so the deed goes forward. My business will turn out well if I let it go. Amen".

Take the scarf with you and put it in your right pocket.

Homemade amulet for good luck in court

If you are afraid that you may lose the case, take a blank sheet of paper and write your petition on it. Be sure to place an icon of your patron or the Lord God in front of you. Before writing a request, read the spell:

“Save and preserve me, my patron (his name). The Servant of God (your name) turns to you asking for protection and help. Open the gates of salvation for me, I trust in you. Help me get rid of enemy captivity. Amen".

Roll up the sheet and take it with you. Valid only if you are truly not involved in the matter in question.

Dark spell “Deal with the Devil” to win in court

Please note that only a strong magician can use this conspiracy to win in court. An ordinary person cannot properly protect himself from the influence of otherworldly forces, and especially not delay them.

The deal with the devil is carried out in this way: draw a pentagram of church candles and read the words exactly thirteen times:

“I call on you, Patron of Darkness and Master of the Night! Come to me and fulfill my request!”

If you are really strong in your faith, you will feel when the demon comes. Before calling him, you need to draw up an agreement where all the terms of the transaction will be indicated.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you need to write the terms of the contract in pig's blood. Then sign and name all the strongest demons.

Conspiracy to close a court case

Before performing this ritual, you need to read the Lord's Prayer three times and ask for forgiveness for all your sins. Read the spell three times:

“The servant of God (your name) is going to trial before the servant of God (the name of the judge), it is a difficult and dishonest matter, I ask you to resolve it. A guardian angel walks behind me, protects my home, soul and happiness. Let the matter be resolved, may peace and grace come. Amen".

Why don't conspiracies help some people?

The basic rule of any rituals and magic words is faith. If you believe in your strength enough and feel the help of the Saints in your life, the matter will be decided in your favor. But only those cases in which you are truly innocent are resolved. Even prayers will not help a person who has admitted his guilt. In addition, this can attract the wrath of the Lord and cause serious troubles.

  • How to damage a person - ;
  • How to make a Voodoo doll - .

“Don’t swear off money or prison.” Every person knows this proverb. And few people know what awaits him in the future. Court is a place not only for people who have broken the law. There are daily litigations between people who have some kind of dispute among themselves. This is why it is so necessary for us to know conspiracies that help in court.

We need conspiracies for a successful trial to resolve controversial situations. They help us win our case in court, mitigate severe punishment and help the judge make a decision.

  • Situations often happen when we cannot find a compromise with neighbors, relatives or organizations. We come across overly noisy and intractable neighbors who make trouble and try to take away your property.
  • Relatives are trying to take your home from you or you cannot share your inheritance with them.
  • Credit institutions want to charge you unreasonable interest for using funds.
  • You are facing prison time for a crime you did not commit.
  • You were in an accident or your car was stolen.
  • You lent money to a friend, but he doesn’t want to give it back.

We cannot avoid such situations. And we cannot always find a way out of this situation.

Many people try to resolve a conflict situation on their own. It is not always possible to resolve this without outside help. Therefore, no one is immune from litigation.

How to win a court case and avoid prison. Strong prayers, special rituals and conspiracies will help us answer this question. This is not a panacea and they cannot be used to avoid inevitable punishment, but they work.

Prayer to Conquer Fear

If you are very afraid for the upcoming trial and are worried about its successful completion, you need to read this plot three times:

“The Lord came down from the seven heavens; the Lord brought seventy-seven castles from seventy-seven languages. Close, Lord, all people, secret and open enemies, envious people, tormentors, zealots who are planning evil against me, unrighteous judges, the eyes and mouths, so that the servant of God (the servant of God) (his name) will not suffer harm and misfortune. Throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever can get God's key will be able to condemn me. Amen".

This prayer will help you cope with all your fears and worries. You will become more confident in your abilities and will be able to easily defend your rights against your enemies.

Prayer for good luck in a court case

If you are very afraid for a positive outcome of your case in court and really want to win the trial, the following prayer will help you. To perform this ritual, you need to pick three branches from different trees.

Pull out one rod from three different panicles. Tie branches from trees and twigs together, read the spell three times, and then throw away the broom at the nearest intersection.

“Just as King Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn is with the sun, the sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God's moon, and God's moon is with the first star. And I, the servant of God (name), am fulfilling my desire. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

With such a prayer you will become more confident in your abilities. These magic words create a “protective film” around you, which will protect you from harm.

If you are facing quite a long trial, and you do not have much money for the help of a lawyer, you can use these prayers.

The main thing is not to forget to repeat them regularly before each trial, and you will definitely succeed. A very important point here is that this is an absolutely free and fairly simple method that ensures a 100% win.

A powerful ritual for the defendant

You can use this ritual in cases where you have to act as a defendant in court proceedings. If a lawsuit has been filed against you, and you think you are right, make such a talisman.

To do this, you need to drill a small through hole in the chestnut. Take a pinch of tobacco and dried sage leaves and then grind them into a powder. Pour the resulting powder into the hole and seal the fruit with wax. Your talisman is ready.

Before the trial, you should place it in your pocket or purse and, if possible, touch it during the trial. This is a very strong protective talisman. It will give you confidence and keep you out of trouble.

How to Avoid Jail and Win a Court Case

In order to avoid punishment or to avoid being convicted, you need the following prayer. It must be read before your case is heard. This can be done directly before entering the courtroom or while standing at the entrance to the courthouse. The prayer is read calmly and slowly:

“The Orthodox world is on trial, the princes, and the boyars are on trial. And I, the servant of God (name), am fighting against the servant of God (name). In my right hand is a holy poppy; whatever I say in court, it will be so, and they will believe it. My right hand, my right foot, my right thoughts and my right deeds. As it is said, so it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When saying the prayer, clench your right hand very tightly into a fist. And when you cast a magic spell, stamp your right foot on the floor. And rest assured, success will definitely await you, and you will win your case in court.

How to win a debt collection case

If you have filed a claim in court to collect the amount of debt from the debtor, use the following procedure. It must be carried out directly in the judicial process. Do the following manipulations: put your right hand in your pocket and make a figure out of it. Next, whisper or silently read the magic spell:

“You won’t care, but I will have boxes full, and I will have full houses, whole barns, wallets with a lot of money, and chests with silver. I, the servant of God (name), a prince, I am a merchant, I will have happiness and a crown. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Conspiracy to court using a scarf

To make your trial a success and avoid prison, use this simple method. For the ceremony you need a regular handkerchief. It must be never used and new.

Speak a special spell with your handkerchief, and then wipe your face with it before your case is heard. Say the following words:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up in the morning, blessing myself, and go out of the doors of my relatives, crossing myself. I go from door to door, from door to gate, from gate to open field.

I will stand in a wide field, and there are steel locks, damask locks, and huge gates. I, servant of God (name), will stand between those locks and put a golden crown on my head - a clear month.

For a clear month I will put a red sun, a bright sun, no one will be angry with me because of this, no one will be upset by me, just as no one will be angry with the clear sun.

No one will be upset by me, neither kings, nor queens, nor worldly courts, nor the whole Orthodox world. They will be before me like a leaf before the grass, below the mown grass, below the low water. Heaven is my key, earth is my lock, I will lock my words so that no one can open them.

As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Simple prayers for success in a court case

Witch doctors and witches say complex trials will be more successful if they are scheduled for hearing on a Friday. This day of the week is the most prosperous. On the Day of Judgment, you need to turn any small container upside down.

And read the following magic spell three times:

“One is at home, the other is on the street, the third is before the court. On this day, don’t give bread or salt to anyone, don’t utter swear words, don’t open the curtains on the windows.”

And then read this prayer:

“I rise with God, I give praise to the Mother of God, I lay a cross on Holy Friday. I go to judgment with the Lord, I am not afraid of unrighteous judges, just as Friday closes the week, so I shut the mouths of my adversaries, I cool the tongues. So that they wouldn’t hold a grudge against me, they wouldn’t make false accusations, they wouldn’t kill me in prison, and let me go with God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the trial is scheduled to be heard on another day of the week, this spell will not be effective.

Directly during the trial, you can say the following words to yourself:

“Remember, O Lord, King David and all his meekness.”

These words will help the judge to have mercy and make a less severe sentence or decision.

If your trial has been going on for a long time and you need to speed up the process, follow these steps. In the park on the birch alley, pick a piece of birch bark from a tree. Squeeze it in the fist of your left hand and hold it throughout the trial. Before entering the courtroom, say the following spell:

“I shake the pereper, I shake out the enemy, just as the pereper trembles in my hand, so my enemy’s veins would tremble. Amen".

If your legal battle is serious enough that even prayer can't help you avoid jail time, try these tips:

  • Do not try to pretend to be a know-it-all from the first days of being in a prison cell. Try to look interested and ask as many questions as possible related to life in prison.
  • Try to be quiet, peaceful, calm and friendly. Take a close look at the people around you. They may not be who they say they are.
  • Don't lie under any circumstances. A lie will be recognized quickly enough, and you will not find yourself in the best light.
  • Be attentive to every little detail. Watch what you say. Any wrong word said can turn against you.

Conspiracy before the court, of course, is not a panacea for any litigation. He won't be able to save you from a prison sentence if you really deserve it. This is just one way you can reduce your sentence or make your case more successful. The conspiracy will help you become more confident in your abilities and prevent your trial from developing.

You need to read: “I will cross the cross - roads intersect, locks, bolts are unlocked. As my foot is with me, my hand is with me, as the Lord Jesus is above me, above all rulers, all judges, all people, so that the judge is to the servant of God (Name) wouldn’t find fault, wouldn’t get angry at him, wouldn’t scream, wouldn’t pound with his fists, wouldn’t threaten with a finger, but would take it and let it go. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

- When you see the judge, read to him in the back: “The Lord is merciful, be at the court.” Be merciful (Name), and you come to me. Amen!"

— For the trial to go smoothly, read before the court: “Conquer, Lord, the judge, his thoughts, his eyes, his will, his words.” Soften, Lord, his heart and soul, so that the judge does not be angry with me, punish me in vain and cruelly. Just as King David himself was meek, so let the judge himself be meek. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

— Read the conspiracy before entering the court: ״Just as an old nanny should not give birth to children, so should the judges of God’s servant (Name) do not deprive of freedom. If you, judge, were not so zealous, be so merciful to the servant of God ( Name), how merciful our Jesus Christ is. How strictly are you a servant of God ( Name) if you punish, the Lord will be so strict with you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

If enemies tortured you with courts

- On Myasopustnaya (the week of the Last Judgment, the penultimate Sunday before Lent), wash the floor, then sit naked over a bucket and read the spell three times: “The house is made of stone, the beams are iron, the windows are lattice.” The dog walks around, guards the house, does not eat or lie down, but only growls and barks, and does not let anyone in. There is no enchanted path there, and I, the enchanted one, cannot go there. Go, enemies, past me. Amen. Amen. Amen.״ Then pour the water in front of the gate outside, and if you live in an apartment, then you need to pour it in front of the entrance.

— Before entering the courtroom, you need to read the mitigation spell: “Fire - from anger, Angel to meet, Christ along the way, Merciful Nikola the Wrathful, avert the court.” Lighten your heart, lighten your thoughts for the kindness of the judge. Rabu ( Name) at the mercy of the court, help. I have the lock, the Mother of God has the keys, open all the ways to the servant of God (name). Lord Jesus Christ, help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

— They read the conspiracy to themselves during the trial: “There is a wall, behind the wall there are enemies.” Not the enemy who wants to kill, but the enemy who wants to judge. You are the judge behind the wall, and I stand behind Christ’s back. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

— To evoke compassion among judges, read the spell: “Lord, just as there is Thy mercy and compassion for sinners, so also the judge, be merciful to the servant of God (Name). Amen!"

Commit the sentence

In court, you need to wipe yourself with a handkerchief, over which at home the conspiracy was read forty times: “In the name of the merciful Christ, I persuade you, Mr. Judge, be brief and fair, do not hit in vain, do not execute, have mercy and let us go, just as the Lord forgives us our sins.” lets go. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

— Conspiracy from the court: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be my words, word for word, strong and molding, strong and capacious until the threshold of the court, go there. Blessed is mine, he is with me everywhere and everywhere, with God’s servant (name). Angel, my guardian, Angel, my savior, go and find all the judge angels (names). Let their souls melt, sympathize and understand. The accused is cleared of guilt and sent back home with a kind word. There is a muteness in the mouth, a compassionate wavering. It’s a pity, come, go, find a strict judge, hug him by the shoulders, lie down on his zealous one, so that everything passes and floats past the friend of my heartfelt servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

— To mitigate the sentence, read the conspiracy before the trial: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” On March 8, Mother Mary prayed, day and night, she was tired, tired. In a dream, the spirit of Her Son Jesus Christ came and began to read a prayer from a golden leaf before Her. That leaf burned and shone like pure gold, and the Son of Mary stood at His Mother’s bedside. He spoke these words: Mother, Mother Mary, You gave birth to me, You gave me to the cross for the sins of people. I came to you to say goodbye, I promise to intercede for everyone who lives on earth. Whoever holds this sheet in his hands, reads it and knows every word of this sheet, that person will be saved in all troubles, and will not be strictly condemned at any trial. My word is strong, molding and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

“If you want to win your case in court, then before the trial you need to read a spell on a handkerchief, and then in court wipe your face with it: “I will get up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate.” I will go out into an open field, in this open field there are iron bars and damask gates. I will become a servant of God ( Name), between the iron bars, the damask gates, and on my head I will place a crown of gold, I will place a bright moon. For this bright month I will put a red Sun, for this red Sun no one can be angry or upset. So it would be for the servant of God (Name) no one could get angry or upset - neither kings - princes, nor kings - princes, nor worldly judges, nor earthly courts, and not the whole Orthodox world could either get angry or upset. On the servant of God (Name). They would be in front of me, like a leaf in front of the grass and below the low water, the cut grass. Heaven, key, earth - lock. Amen!

From vain accusations

Here is another good conspiracy against vain accusations: “I will stand to the west with my ridge, cross heaven and earth with my finger, wash myself with holy water, and pray to the Mother of God on the road. Mother of God, kind heart, you pity everyone, you help everyone. Help me, God's servant ( Name). Ban the servant of God (Name) judge. Forge shackles, close doors and locks for government judges, rural judges, justices of the peace, city judges, and police judges. Just as these judges cannot drink water from the ocean bottom, take sand and chew, so they could not wish bad things upon God’s servant. He would seem to them better than the white light, better than the red Sun and his own children. If they wouldn’t have bolted it, wouldn’t have locked it for years, freedom and life wouldn’t have been taken away. Just as you, Lord, will judge them on the Day of Judgment, order them, forgive them, release them with blessing, so the judges are merciful to my servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

- When entering the courthouse, touch the door bracket and quietly whisper: “As this bracket says, so the judge would say against me.” Amen!"

- You need to say on a handkerchief and wipe yourself with this handkerchief during the trial: “There is a coffin made of four boards, four devils are sitting in the coffin, looking at the judge’s threshold.” As they disown these devils, as little souls and old souls, sinful and sinless souls, beg and beg from them, so they beg and beg from the corrosive court, from the court and dungeons, and from prison, and from locks, from cola - locks, cola - constipation . You, the seventh keys, you are the seventh locks, unlock, open. You are iron, you are bolts, you are shackles and shackles, here stands God, here is His threshold. He will not allow judgment, He will imprison the servant of God ( Name) won't let me in. And you, red lattice window, open the bars, remove the hinges from the doors. I am ram, Abraham, Ahala, Duhala, Um, Zim, Zem, Bulla, ah, am tala. Seventh, eighth, thirteenth. My word will never be the last. Servant of God ( Name) judges will never convict. Who is the Judge? - Lord, He is the one to judge about us and so be it. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!«

- They read from an unjust court. Buy a small lock, open the shackle and read the spell three times: “Lord, my God, the key to the lock is yours. Whoever gets this key from the bottom, the Angel of the Lord will approach him and remove all suspicion from me, the servant of God (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen!״ Then close the lock and throw the key into the river.

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